Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I was thinking about my job whole day.I have a few issues with myself because of this.My disillusion with my project can be summarised as follows
1.I dont find my job interesting.
2.I am not able to concentrate on even a small work that is given.
3.I do not find any manuals that might help me with the project.Everything in project ,I have to learn by rote or seeing others do it.
4.I find my lead who is supposed to help me to be uninspiring.

After a lot of introspection ,I came to the following conclusions about me with reference to my job.
1.I have not made an effort to study new books that might be helpful for my work.
2.I have been addling at my work, doing many works which are of no significance to my work , at all times.
3.I have not taken any initiatives on my own for improving my knowledge on the project.

Then I thought about the inherent problems that are holding me back

1.I have to leave office at 6 or otherwise i would have to leave only at 9,which makes me an early bird.So I am not able to find any extra time to devote to studies.

So where does the flaw lie ,somewhere in between i guess.Hmm.. All this is for nothing.I am gonna go do the same stuff tomorrow.The vicious cycle repeats.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

This kind of introspection will get you erehwon..